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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Coping With The Pain Of Losing Someone

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."

 Many people would always try to comfort a grieving person by saying that everything would just be fine. Although it is nice to have your friends' sympathy, it is sometimes heart breaking the fact that not many are able to realize the feeling of being left permanently. A few months ago, I have lost my dear grandmother, 2 of my friends and our pastor.The moment I've heard about the news, I just smiled because I knew on that point in time that they are already enjoying their life with God in heaven, but as a human, I was also saddened because I don't get to see them anymore.

 Frankly speaking, the moment I've heard about what happened to my grandmother, I just did not feel anything and so I thought that by the time I see her lying in her casket I won't also cry, but what happened was I was first one who cried. There I've realized that the sorrow you feel upon hearing that you lost your love one grows even bigger as the days pass by.

What people say might be true that "you only get to appreciate someone's existence once that person is already gone" and so cherish all the moments that you are still with your love ones. Although it is hard to say goodbye, life must still go on. As my other grandmother used to tell me, "it is just a matter of who goes first ( to heaven)."

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. God Bless You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was deeply moved by this post, especially the quotations used. It's a sad reality we need to accept. :(